23 February 2013

potty trained

i am so proud of naomi, she is now 3 years and 2 months old, no longer wears diaper during the day and night when she sleeps, including when we go out for two hours. in the morning after she wakes up, if she feels like she wants to pee (and the parents are still asleep), she can go to the toilet by herself, step on the stool, put on the special toilet training seat ring and sit there, then wipe herself and step down, take the stool to wash her hands in the wash basin, using soap, then dry her hands. she is such a smart girl! now the next step is to train her to poop in the toilet, she still prefers to do it while wearing a diaper. 

17 September 2012

2 years and 9 months

-2 days ago she started to drink without using straw, yay good girl! we bought her a Dora cup and told her that whenevershe drinks using this cup she is not allowed to use strawand that now she is old enough to be able to drink from the cup, she agreed and she loves it. - she loves to play pretend cooking and pretend eating - she loves to sing Twinkle twinkle little star. last week she was so brave to be the first kid who sng in sunday school (sns), she sang that song while holding a mic. i am so proud of her! my girl has grown so fast! - she still loves eating but finds it hard to chew when eating no to soft beef. - she does not like to eat green apple and banana. - she also loves to pretend to speak on the phone, and she can use any object as her phone. so cute - her best friend is bianca - she is okay to be left at sunday school (morning) if only there is bianca. - she can sit by herself on the back seat now.so i can sit beside lucko at the front. really enjoy that. - she is quite an expert at using ipad. i am still amazed. - her favourite cartoon is Doc McStuffin and Disney Clubhouse, also Pororo - she loves to watch Animal Planet, strangely she would ask to see the violent eating animals where there is blood etc. i am not sure if it is good for her. - she would say "ada crocodile" when i ask her to sleep on the corner of the bed.strange - she likes to play with her bike (inside the house) - she does not wear nappy anymore during the day at ome.she knows when she needs to go weewee, she would go to the toilet, hop on the seat using a stool, open her undies and weewee and take toilet paper and come down from the toilet seat and take the stool for wshing her hands with a soap and dry her hands. proud of you honey! - she still does not want to poo in the toilet, she would ask to wear nappy and then hide behind the door or curtain and do her action. i will wait until she is 3 years old. - her favourite song while toothbrushing is twinkle twinkle little star. - she still loves to play with lala the doll and hold her and pretend that she is sleeping. - she knows that she is not allowed to drink coffee so she will not ask for it when mommy or daddy is having one - she likes to say "iya bu" even to lucko too.lol! - she knows when i am looking for a parking spot (driving) so she will say "cari parkir" - few words that she still pronounce incorrectly: efenant (elephant), dibili (berdiri)

15 June 2012


nay started to jump with both feet around 2.5 years old,she jumps while she is on the floor or bed.she just loves to jump.good on you,nay!another milestone;)

28 February 2012


lucu bgt kmrn nay bisa disuruh buka kulkas sendiri and ambil yakult. she needed to drink that to help her usus with some good bacteria to fight her tummy bug.

tummy bug

21 feb. demam 4x
22 feb. demam 1x, diare 7x
23 feb. diare 4x
24 feb. diare 4x. went to doctor. dikasih obat bubuk utk melindungi usus. penyebab diare: virus
25 feb. diare 3x, muntah 1x
26 feb. diare 4x
27 feb. diare (white poop) 6x. i reckon due to eating cheese n drinking milk.
28 feb. today. no diare!!!!! her appetite is back too.thank You GOD! You are an amazing Healer!!!;)

kasian bgt tiap kali sblm diare nay pasti nangis2 kesakitan krn perutnya mules. and the worst part is me and luc cant do anything about it. krn dia ngga mau dipeluk or even touched. dia went to her corner, or kneeling, or duduk, or berdiri sambil bungkuk megangin tempat tidur utk menahan rasa sakit. i know how painful that is, i remembered when i had food poisoning. yg kemaren dia perutnya banyak gas nya,bunyi2 gitu. terus aku kasih ramuan bawang merah diparut dicampur minyak telon terus ditaroh di perutnya terus perutnya dipakein baju dan dibungkus kain biar anget.lucu bgt nay nurut2 aja.selama sakit ini nay ngga nafsu makan.uda gitu klo makan jadi suka dikemut,kadang at the end ditelen,kadang dikeluarin lagi.dia jadi keliatan kurus gitu.kasian.tp yg penting jgn ampe dia dehidrasi. thanks God dia minta minum terus.air or susu.

26 February 2012

fave movie

last year was Tangled. recently it was Up ;) she watches it again and again.i think the next one would be Puss in Boots

cepet sembuh ya sayang

nayyyy cepet sembuh ya.nanti kalo uda sembuh kita ke mall and beli ur favourit food: cupcake. and kita ke carniville, main choo-choo train and naik horse di carrousel ;) cant wait! God please heal my baby;) waiting for nay yg ceria,cerewet,and rakus to come back;)

20 February 2012

alone at sunday school

nay,mommy n daddy r so proud of u krn kmrn bs ditinggal di sunday skul even ga ada ka dina n ka martin.u were so good.we dropped u off and set a table with the toys provided n u were busy playing.it was wonderful to see ur smile to us when we picked u up in the end. looked like you were havin a great time there. btw u wore ur cute tutu dress too;) lovely

15 February 2012

sunday school

starting from this year we want naomi to routinely go to sunday school every week, which is at 12.30 service because that is the only time where our friends, dina and marthin, are the sunday school teachers, we trust them to leave naomi with, and naomi loves them too. almost all of the kids are with their nannies. almost every week it is a challenge to leave nay there, i had to play with er for few minutes, together with dina and marthin, then when she seems comfortable i would quickly run away. she loves sunday school. when she finishes one, i would ask her what she did there and she'd say: drawing, nyanyi, uncle, auntie. one time dina told me that she joined with the other kids singing up front, i am so proud of my little girl. she would also make friends with other kids. last week she was annoyed by 2 boys who like to touch her cheeks so she moved to another table and play with a girl instead. nay cannot converse with other kids so she would use her toddler language and body language, so cute. i think going to sunday school alone is a good exercise for her: for independence and preparation for school one day :)

10 February 2012


two incidents that surprised me of how smart naomi is:

1. she notice there was a weird looking insect in our room not long after i took the laundry inside (from balcony). i was in the middle of something when she pointed with her finger to the insect and made a sound "heeiii! heeiii!" thank younaomi for letting me know, so i took the insect away and few seconds after that she did the same thing, turned out there was another insect. good job, nay!

2. it happened few days ago. we placed 6 months old kharis on the bed, lucko was supposed to watch her while i was washing dishes. sometimes i woukd peep into the room just to check on her, but for few minutes i was so busy, suddenly i heard nay made that sound again "heeiii! heeiii!" and suddenly i looked into the room and saw that kharis almost fell to the hard floor, she was trying to grab a toy so she kept moving to the edge of the bed, nay was pointing to her while making that sound, loudly, as if she was trying to tell the parents to look for kharis. pheeewww i am so glad kharis did not fall. thank you again, naomi!!!!

08 February 2012

mispronounced words

"What are some of the most delightful mispronounced words your child has used?"
- otong: gendong
- amus: semut
- apus: selimut
- bici: biskuit

06 February 2012

nay and her shoes

today i noticed she can put on her shoes by herself!!!! she is 25.5 months old ;) proud of my lil girl ;)

23 May 2011

17 months

Can say:
Thank you

Can understand:
Makan sendiri
Pull, push
Bye/kiss/kiss bye
Stand up

Can do:
Eat vege (finger food) by herself
Eat bread by herself
Opens/closes drawer
Feed herself using a spoon
“please” sign language
shake hand
dance: move her hands in circles, stepping with her feet
fold hands to pray
high five
operate an ipod touch
pretend to write
pretend to put on foundation on baby doll
open rubbish bin
browsing the bible
take off her shirt
kiss the baby in mummy’s tummy
kiss people’s cheeks
kiss/bye/kiss bye
pretend to sing using a nail polish/torch
pretend to speak on the mobile phone
have phone conversation
change tv channels
play in pool

06 May 2011


naomi adalah anak yg cantik baik pintar lucu sehat. sangat mudah merawat dia. aku sangat bersyukur atas anugrah ini. thank u so much Jesus!

10 March 2011


5 months:
Ate solid food (rice cereal)

7 months:
Went swimming

9 months:
Stopped using baby carrier

10 months:
Ate rice
Read bible

11 months:
Drank formula milk
Used bottle

12 months:
Used toothpaste
First steps
Slept in stroller
Danced with hands

13 months:
Drank cow's milk
Danced with hips
Mumbled "Amen"

09 March 2011

research on potty training - naomi at 15 months old

There's no magic age at which children are ready to start learning how to use the potty, but some develop the necessary physical and cognitive skills between 18 and 24 months of age. Many parents don't start potty training until their children are 2 1/2 to 3 years old, when daytime bladder control has become more reliable. And some children aren't interested in potty training until they're closer to 3, or even 4.

Potty training readiness checklist

1. Physical signs
Is coordinated enough to walk, and even run, steadily.
Urinates a fair amount at one time.
Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times.
Has "dry" periods of at least three or four hours, which shows that his bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine.

2. Behavioral signs
Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes.
Can pull his pants up and down.
Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper.
Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (wants to watch you go to the bathroom or wear underwear).
Gives a physical or verbal sign when he's having a bowel movement such as grunting, squatting, or telling you.
Demonstrates a desire for independence.
Takes pride in his accomplishments.
Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet.
Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one.

3. Cognitive signs
Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy."
Understands the value of putting things where they belong.
Has words for urine and stool.
Understands the physical signals that mean he has to go and can tell you before it happens or even hold it until he has time to get to the potty.

Create a routine

Set your toddler on the potty seat, fully clothed, once a day — after breakfast, before her bath, or whenever else she's likely to have a bowel movement. This will help her get used to the potty and accept it as part of her routine. If there's not an easily accessible bathroom around, bring your child's portable potty outside, to the playroom, or wherever your toddler may be.

Once she's fine with this routine, have her sit on the potty bare-bottomed. Again, let her get used to how this feels. At this point, let her know that this is what Mommy and Daddy (and any older siblings) do every day. That is, taking off your pants before you use the bathroom is a grown-up thing to do.

If sitting on the potty with or without clothes is upsetting to your toddler, don't push it. Never restrain her or physically force her to sit there, especially if she seems scared. It's better to put the potty aside for a few weeks before trying again. Then, if she's willing to sit there, you know she's comfortable enough to proceed.

Demonstrate for your child

Children learn by imitation, and watching you use the bathroom is a natural way to understand what using the toilet is all about. If you have a son, it's simpler to teach him to pee sitting down at this young age. Later, when he's mastered that, he can watch his dad, older brother, or friend pee standing up — he's bound to pick it up quickly with just a little encouragement.

When you demonstrate for your toddler, it's helpful to explain what's going on as you're using the bathroom and let her see afterward what you "made." Then show her how you wipe with toilet paper, pull up your underwear, flush the toilet, and wash your hands.


Try a tune
We used the Once Upon a Potty video for our daughter. We sang the tune from the video all the time, especially when she went to the potty. She loved it. — Dianne, California

Try a timer
My biggest help was to be consistent. We used a timer to help us both remember to go potty. We started with every 20 minutes, and as I could see he was needing to go less, gradually increased the time. Eventually, he would tell me he needed to go before the timer went off, or say he didn't need to when it did. Then we'd set the timer for five or 10 more minutes and try again. — Amy, Utah

Are you ready for potty training?

Fellom's technique requires commitment, focus, and dedication. It's a "bare-bottomed" method, meaning that for three months after you initiate potty training, your child will need to go naked below the waist when he's at home and wear just loose-fitting pants with nothing underneath when he's out and about or at daycare.

Diapers and training pants are okay for nap time and bedtime, but if you rely on them more often you'll undo your potty training progress, Fellom says.

"If you really want this to work, it only works naked," Fellom says. "There are absolutely no pants in the house for the first three months."

Clear your schedule and plan to spend an entire long weekend – all three days – focused on potty training. Cancel regular weekend activities, and make sure your potty training partner can be around all the time for at least the first two days to help out.

15 February 2011

feeding+drinking schedule at 14 months old

9am: 180ml cow's milk
11am: wheat bread + cheese
1pm: rice + fish + spinach
3pm: 180ml cow's milk
5pm: banana/orange/biscuit
7pm: rice + chicken/beef + broccoli
9pm: 180ml cow's milk

22 December 2010

words + actions

Words naomi can understand at 1 year old:
Mamam (eat)
Splash-splash (bath time)
Morris (the lion soft toy)
Purple (the robot soft toy)
Mickey Mouse (watch cartoon)

Actions we can ask her to do at 1 year old:
wave bye
"Where's daddy?" (Looking around)
"Where's your head?" (Touch her head)
"Kiss baby" (kiss mummy's tummy for baby inside)
"Gone" (open hands)

18 December 2010

happy 1st birthday

Today me and lucko and nay went for lunch as a family to celebrate her bday,we had vietnamese food.but the bday girl was asleep during lunch time.it's her latest timetable,nap at 1pm.after we finished lunch,we browsed for my bday gift,luc bought me a dress,I finally found the 'perfect' one.it's so hard to find one!

Not long after that,nay woke up so we gave her the vietnamese food.for a treat: frozen yogurt!

then we went to a toy shop to buy her present.we were gonna buy her a soft toy,something that she can hug.she loves hugging soft toy.we thought maybe a mickey mouse (she loves watching disney clubhouse) or maybe a big cuddly teddy bear.but then we changed our minds after we saw nay played with the price tag of a mickey mouse soft toy instead of the toy itself.and we couldn't find a cute teddy bear.plus we thought she already has many soft toys at home,not that we bought them,they are either gifts or hand-me-down from mum's (she collects soft toys).

I thought,let's buy her something educational,I've always wanted to buy her one of those rings toys,they ones you can stack up from big to small. And woalah,we found one,this one was a combo back,including a ball which you can fit different shapes in,and a cone stacker. Perfect!

On the way home, we bought her Hillsong DVD "Tell the world". I've been waiting to buy her this.it'll be a good influence for her.teaching her about praise and worship.something to add to her "watch list",other than disney clubhouse,elmo and baby einstein.

For dinner,the three of us plus mum,dad,ntan went for japanese.today naomi had a break from eating her "baby" food,she ate the same things as we adult ate,minus the chilli,hehehe...

Also today I managed to make a dvd compilation of naomi's first year,the video is 1 hour long,it's full of her journey from the seconds she was born to this month.she has grown so much and we're so amazed at God's goodness!

03 December 2010

schedule at 11 months

breakfast: around 9am or 10am, depending on what time she wakes up (she sleeps around 10-12 hours)
1 slice of sandwich/toast bread and 1 cheese slice
120ml formula milk (SGM2)

lunch: around 12pm or 1 pm
rice with salmon/chicken/beef/white fish and spinach/carrot/broccoli
(food are cooked by steaming/boiling, no sugar/salt. reheating by steaming, cause we don't have microwave)

bath time: around 2pm (before that: exercise: climb up stairs - for brain development)*
120ml formula milk (SGM2)
afternoon nap of around 1.5 hours

afternoon tea: around 4pm
120ml formula milk (SGM2)

dinner: around 7pm
rice with salmon/chicken/beef/white fish and spinach/carrot/broccoli
120ml formula milk (SGM2)

max time for bed: 10pm
bedtime routine: change to pajamas, brush teeth, read bible, pray. lights off!

*crawling up and down carpeted stairs is a safe activity that helps strengthen large muscles and increase coordination.

01 October 2010

things they said

Here what people (family,friends,strangers we met everywhere) said about naomi:
Cowo atau cewe? (Atau "cowo ya?")
Rambutnya mana?
Kupingnya kok ngga ditindik?
Kepalanya gede ya, bulet ya
Alisnya tebel
Matanya besar
Pipinya tembem
Idungnya mancung
Bibirnya sexy
Giginya banyak ya
Suaranya rendah,nge-bass
Ramah bgt,murah senyum,sama siapa aja mau
Gampang dibawa ke mana-mana
Cantik, cute

signs of pregnancy

I suddenly remember there were days while I was working and during lunch break I would get so sleepy I would go into my car and slept there, or drove to a street in ponsonby residential area or downtown wharf, parked and slept there. Ternyata itu toh salah satu signs of hamil...

daddy's instinct

Dulu sebelum lucko found out that I was pregnant,he said there was one day di mana dia tiba2 kangen bgt sama aku.(That's when I was working during the day and he was at home).

06 September 2010

thank u my pleasant child

Naomi,just like the meaning of ur name.u hav been a pleasant child.a joy to have. Thank u for bein so good walopun berjam-jam diajak nge-mall,diajak jalan2 ke luar kota atau luar negri.
And thanks for putting up with mummy yg sering males siapin makanan mu.mulai bsk I will be more diligent,mau masak labu pake ati ayam.sehat n bergizi ya,mummy knows u need more iron now.good for ur blood n brain.
Thank u sayang kamu sangat ramah most of the time to the strangers you met everywhere,murah senyum n tawa.mummy so blessed n proud to hav u.
Thank u for bein so dependant on me.those cute innocent eyes that stare at me when u cry everytime I left u alone in ur cot cos mummy needs to do something. It made me feel needed,a good feeling indeed.
When I look a ur pure face while u sleep,who am I to receive such a blessing like u?what an amazing gift ferom God.only Him can give such thing.
Thank u Jesus for keeping naomi healthy all these times,and for allowing her being breastfed,which help with her immune system n juga bergizi.

05 September 2010


First teeth was on the top,two.around 6 months old. Then the next two on the bottom,around 7 months old. Now, one more on the bottom (at 8.5months) is 1mm high. The new two on top are also showing,maybe in a few weeks will grow. I guess due to eating bananas which are rich in calcium :)

27 May 2010

cereal with breastmilk

yesterday (26 may 2010) i experimented with using 2 tablespoons of breastmilk and 1 tablespoon of water instead. the texture is better, creamier i suppose? and naomi really enjoyed it, she was either really hungry or the cereal tasted yummier :)

first solid

the day is tuesday 18 may 2010, one day after naomi is 5 months old, we started giving her solid: FAREX baby rice cereal. lucko is more excited than me. 1 tablespoon of cereal mixed with 3 tablespoons of water. naomi seems to like it. she is ready because she opens her mouth when the spoon is nearing her mouth, and she can swallow well too :) yay

22 May 2010

cleaning up poops on clothes

the best way is to wet (warm water) the area infected, add detergent powder and make scratching movements, then run on water, repeat until it's better condition. then just put in a bucket, add water and detergent powder, and leave it for one night. after that, add to your normal laundry load. the stain will be gone! woalaaah! :D

breastfeeding tips

to have more milk for your precious baby, here are some tips i've gathered from helpful friends, simple stuff but it works:

MUST have enough rest. sleep when baby sleeps.

MUST not be stressed, because it will affect your mind, it will affect the production of milk. think happy thoughts, always :)

DRINK plenty of fluids, water most importantly

EAT veges, fruits and soups (pumpkin soup is yummy!)
recommended veges that helps produce more milk: silverbeet, seaweed, pumpkin

HAVE popcorns. yeah, this tips is actually from my dad.

CONSUME cheese, yogurt, or drink milk. for calcium and vitamin D. so the milk has good quality

**IF possible, do not express milk using the machine, feed your baby with "on demand" style, so milk production is natural. plus i hate the idea of using the machine and expressing every few hours. so not fun ;p

14 January 2010

Queen st

14 jan. Naomi is 4 weeks old. First time ventured the city since we moved in. went to buy subway, lunch at atrium and coffee time at elliot stable, nice. Bought qq rice, read some mags at borders, found this best tips: “don’t just take any advice people give you, what works for their kids might not work for you, follow what you think is best for yours” (or something like that, forgot the exact words). Went to visit jimmy & his wife, then to bank (by myself) and went back to apt by bus, Naomi was crying for about a minute (was a bit panicking, didn’t want her cry to disturb other passengers) and I managed to calm her down by taking to her, she’s such a great girl, easy : ) I think she was getting too hot, it was a hot day. Realized that the air is not good for her, people smoking & car pollution.


13 jan. this summer it’s free for Auckland residents to visit the Auckland museum, we went to few spots, as always, Naomi fell asleep on my pouch carrier : )

Church for the 1st time

10 jan. everyone was happy to see Naomi, few people noticed that she has gained weight : ) can’t believe she fell asleep from the moment we arrived (9am) until service finished (12 o’clock), even during loud music : ) we then went to have Korean as lunch, with friends. Next week Naomi will be dedicated to the Lord :)

New apartment

8 jan. last night was our first night in the new apartment, was great. And today we went down (walking on a windy day) the anzac ave to have ramen as dinner at tanpopo, yummy! Cecil was there with us, after that we looked around downtown, but shops were already closed. Naomi was asleep the whole time : )

Rash or baby pimples

started to appear on 5 jan. apparently it’s normal, I googled and asked the mums in church. Reason: hormones. They should disappear in few weeks time. I feel sorry for Naomi.

Out of the house for the 1st time

4 jan. leoni the midwife came and did heel prick (again, because the nurse who did it in birthcare forgot to put the time), and weighed naomi, she’s 3.8kg!!!! (up from 3.5kg) yeah… luc & I were so happy to hear that, because we weren’t sure if she’s getting enough milk just from the on-demand breastfeeding. When we went out from the house we made sure me and Naomi were covered from wind (everyone have been telling us that wind is not good for newborn n mum). we went to st lukes food court (I had sushi n seaweed. Apparently seaweed helps to produce more milk – for breastfeeding purposes hehe…). I needed to go to post office too. She was asleep the whole time, I used a front pack carrier (thanks to shinta). It was nice seeing so many people after almost 3 weeks not being in public. In the car I felt weird driving pass other cars, I was kinda afraid we might crashed. At night we went to airport to send intan off.

24 December 2009

the birth story

wednesday 16 dec...

7am: woke up, water starts breaking slowly. 15 mins apart contractions (finally i know how contractions felt, like period pain/cramps). at home alone, still managed to clean up house, vacuuming, watch tv.

1.30pm: lucko arrived home from work (he was sent home early by boss). contractions starts every 5 mins, more painful. lucko massaged me, and used an internet software based for counting contractions.

4pm: went to midwife, dilated 2cm. journey in the car was not comfortable, especially the bumpy ones. my midwife gave an option to either stay at home or wait in hospital for 3mins contractions. decided to go home but pain got worse.

5pm: arrived at hospital, used hot shower to ease pain (it worked for a while, i think in total was about 45mins i wasted the water, pain got worse). oh the lady who drove my wheelchair was so kind. so glad to have a big clean room with nice view.

7pm: use laughing gas as pain relief as they can't give me epidural before a 4cm dilated. it was great, for the first time i know how it felt to be "high". my skin felt numb and the sound of people around me seemed so far away. each time i felt the contraction pain i just inhaled.

8pm: 4cm dilated, they gave me epidural (in my spine). top up is self service at the press of a button. next check up due at 12pm (internal examinations is allowed every 4 hours). hungry but not allowed to eat just in case i might need to be operated. only allowed water and juice.

12pm: only 6cm dilated (too slow for 2cm in 4 hours), so they gave me drips to make contractions stronger. next check up due at 4pm. lucko n mum tried to sleep.

thursday 17 dec...

3am: contractions were stronger n more frequent. stopped topping up epidural so i can feel when to push. the midwife could see the head of baby! good sign : )

3.45am: start practicing how to breathe/push properly.

4am: start pushing. push... push... just like doing a poo, but harder n bigger. hard work. LOL

4.29am: NAOMI IS BORN!!! her neck was tangled with umbilical cord, so the midwife quickly took care of it and cleaned her up, then she was put on my chest. it all happened so quickly the midwife forgot to check the gender of baby, so she pulled baby and opened the towel... it's a GIRL!!! (all these times people were wrong when they said it's gonna be a boy). wow the feeling was indescribable... amazing... finally after 41 weeks and 2 days of carrying her, she's out and in my arms. to hear her first cute cry was priceless. i wanted to cry but i couldn't, i was lost for words (and actions, hehe...). skin to skin time (bonding time), then naomi was cleaned, checked, etc. i was delivering placenta, was stitched, etc. get ready to leave hospital.

7am: arrived at birthcare (parnell), settled. lucko and mum went home to rest. i couldn't wait for breakfast to be served at 8am, starving. i stayed in birthcare until sunday 4pm. the service and food was great. the help n knowledge from various midwives was awesome, esp on breastfeeding. best thing is, help is at the press of a telephone button, no matter what time, a midwife will come, even in the mid of night. all the midwives n staff are so friendly :)