14 January 2010

Queen st

14 jan. Naomi is 4 weeks old. First time ventured the city since we moved in. went to buy subway, lunch at atrium and coffee time at elliot stable, nice. Bought qq rice, read some mags at borders, found this best tips: “don’t just take any advice people give you, what works for their kids might not work for you, follow what you think is best for yours” (or something like that, forgot the exact words). Went to visit jimmy & his wife, then to bank (by myself) and went back to apt by bus, Naomi was crying for about a minute (was a bit panicking, didn’t want her cry to disturb other passengers) and I managed to calm her down by taking to her, she’s such a great girl, easy : ) I think she was getting too hot, it was a hot day. Realized that the air is not good for her, people smoking & car pollution.