15 February 2012

sunday school

starting from this year we want naomi to routinely go to sunday school every week, which is at 12.30 service because that is the only time where our friends, dina and marthin, are the sunday school teachers, we trust them to leave naomi with, and naomi loves them too. almost all of the kids are with their nannies. almost every week it is a challenge to leave nay there, i had to play with er for few minutes, together with dina and marthin, then when she seems comfortable i would quickly run away. she loves sunday school. when she finishes one, i would ask her what she did there and she'd say: drawing, nyanyi, uncle, auntie. one time dina told me that she joined with the other kids singing up front, i am so proud of my little girl. she would also make friends with other kids. last week she was annoyed by 2 boys who like to touch her cheeks so she moved to another table and play with a girl instead. nay cannot converse with other kids so she would use her toddler language and body language, so cute. i think going to sunday school alone is a good exercise for her: for independence and preparation for school one day :)