breakfast: around 9am or 10am, depending on what time she wakes up (she sleeps around 10-12 hours)
1 slice of sandwich/toast bread and 1 cheese slice
120ml formula milk (SGM2)
lunch: around 12pm or 1 pm
rice with salmon/chicken/beef/white fish and spinach/carrot/broccoli
(food are cooked by steaming/boiling, no sugar/salt. reheating by steaming, cause we don't have microwave)
bath time: around 2pm (before that: exercise: climb up stairs - for brain development)*
120ml formula milk (SGM2)
afternoon nap of around 1.5 hours
afternoon tea: around 4pm
120ml formula milk (SGM2)
dinner: around 7pm
rice with salmon/chicken/beef/white fish and spinach/carrot/broccoli
120ml formula milk (SGM2)
max time for bed: 10pm
bedtime routine: change to pajamas, brush teeth, read bible, pray. lights off!
*crawling up and down carpeted stairs is a safe activity that helps strengthen large muscles and increase coordination.