28 February 2012
lucu bgt kmrn nay bisa disuruh buka kulkas sendiri and ambil yakult. she needed to drink that to help her usus with some good bacteria to fight her tummy bug.
tummy bug
21 feb. demam 4x
22 feb. demam 1x, diare 7x
23 feb. diare 4x
24 feb. diare 4x. went to doctor. dikasih obat bubuk utk melindungi usus. penyebab diare: virus
25 feb. diare 3x, muntah 1x
26 feb. diare 4x
27 feb. diare (white poop) 6x. i reckon due to eating cheese n drinking milk.
28 feb. today. no diare!!!!! her appetite is back too.thank You GOD! You are an amazing Healer!!!;)
kasian bgt tiap kali sblm diare nay pasti nangis2 kesakitan krn perutnya mules. and the worst part is me and luc cant do anything about it. krn dia ngga mau dipeluk or even touched. dia went to her corner, or kneeling, or duduk, or berdiri sambil bungkuk megangin tempat tidur utk menahan rasa sakit. i know how painful that is, i remembered when i had food poisoning. yg kemaren dia perutnya banyak gas nya,bunyi2 gitu. terus aku kasih ramuan bawang merah diparut dicampur minyak telon terus ditaroh di perutnya terus perutnya dipakein baju dan dibungkus kain biar anget.lucu bgt nay nurut2 aja.selama sakit ini nay ngga nafsu makan.uda gitu klo makan jadi suka dikemut,kadang at the end ditelen,kadang dikeluarin lagi.dia jadi keliatan kurus gitu.kasian.tp yg penting jgn ampe dia dehidrasi. thanks God dia minta minum terus.air or susu.
22 feb. demam 1x, diare 7x
23 feb. diare 4x
24 feb. diare 4x. went to doctor. dikasih obat bubuk utk melindungi usus. penyebab diare: virus
25 feb. diare 3x, muntah 1x
26 feb. diare 4x
27 feb. diare (white poop) 6x. i reckon due to eating cheese n drinking milk.
28 feb. today. no diare!!!!! her appetite is back too.thank You GOD! You are an amazing Healer!!!;)
kasian bgt tiap kali sblm diare nay pasti nangis2 kesakitan krn perutnya mules. and the worst part is me and luc cant do anything about it. krn dia ngga mau dipeluk or even touched. dia went to her corner, or kneeling, or duduk, or berdiri sambil bungkuk megangin tempat tidur utk menahan rasa sakit. i know how painful that is, i remembered when i had food poisoning. yg kemaren dia perutnya banyak gas nya,bunyi2 gitu. terus aku kasih ramuan bawang merah diparut dicampur minyak telon terus ditaroh di perutnya terus perutnya dipakein baju dan dibungkus kain biar anget.lucu bgt nay nurut2 aja.selama sakit ini nay ngga nafsu makan.uda gitu klo makan jadi suka dikemut,kadang at the end ditelen,kadang dikeluarin lagi.dia jadi keliatan kurus gitu.kasian.tp yg penting jgn ampe dia dehidrasi. thanks God dia minta minum terus.air or susu.
26 February 2012
fave movie
last year was Tangled. recently it was Up ;) she watches it again and again.i think the next one would be Puss in Boots
cepet sembuh ya sayang
nayyyy cepet sembuh ya.nanti kalo uda sembuh kita ke mall and beli ur favourit food: cupcake. and kita ke carniville, main choo-choo train and naik horse di carrousel ;) cant wait! God please heal my baby;) waiting for nay yg ceria,cerewet,and rakus to come back;)
20 February 2012
alone at sunday school
nay,mommy n daddy r so proud of u krn kmrn bs ditinggal di sunday skul even ga ada ka dina n ka martin.u were so good.we dropped u off and set a table with the toys provided n u were busy playing.it was wonderful to see ur smile to us when we picked u up in the end. looked like you were havin a great time there. btw u wore ur cute tutu dress too;) lovely
15 February 2012
sunday school
starting from this year we want naomi to routinely go to sunday school every week, which is at 12.30 service because that is the only time where our friends, dina and marthin, are the sunday school teachers, we trust them to leave naomi with, and naomi loves them too. almost all of the kids are with their nannies. almost every week it is a challenge to leave nay there, i had to play with er for few minutes, together with dina and marthin, then when she seems comfortable i would quickly run away. she loves sunday school. when she finishes one, i would ask her what she did there and she'd say: drawing, nyanyi, uncle, auntie. one time dina told me that she joined with the other kids singing up front, i am so proud of my little girl. she would also make friends with other kids. last week she was annoyed by 2 boys who like to touch her cheeks so she moved to another table and play with a girl instead. nay cannot converse with other kids so she would use her toddler language and body language, so cute. i think going to sunday school alone is a good exercise for her: for independence and preparation for school one day :)
10 February 2012
two incidents that surprised me of how smart naomi is:
1. she notice there was a weird looking insect in our room not long after i took the laundry inside (from balcony). i was in the middle of something when she pointed with her finger to the insect and made a sound "heeiii! heeiii!" thank younaomi for letting me know, so i took the insect away and few seconds after that she did the same thing, turned out there was another insect. good job, nay!
2. it happened few days ago. we placed 6 months old kharis on the bed, lucko was supposed to watch her while i was washing dishes. sometimes i woukd peep into the room just to check on her, but for few minutes i was so busy, suddenly i heard nay made that sound again "heeiii! heeiii!" and suddenly i looked into the room and saw that kharis almost fell to the hard floor, she was trying to grab a toy so she kept moving to the edge of the bed, nay was pointing to her while making that sound, loudly, as if she was trying to tell the parents to look for kharis. pheeewww i am so glad kharis did not fall. thank you again, naomi!!!!
1. she notice there was a weird looking insect in our room not long after i took the laundry inside (from balcony). i was in the middle of something when she pointed with her finger to the insect and made a sound "heeiii! heeiii!" thank younaomi for letting me know, so i took the insect away and few seconds after that she did the same thing, turned out there was another insect. good job, nay!
2. it happened few days ago. we placed 6 months old kharis on the bed, lucko was supposed to watch her while i was washing dishes. sometimes i woukd peep into the room just to check on her, but for few minutes i was so busy, suddenly i heard nay made that sound again "heeiii! heeiii!" and suddenly i looked into the room and saw that kharis almost fell to the hard floor, she was trying to grab a toy so she kept moving to the edge of the bed, nay was pointing to her while making that sound, loudly, as if she was trying to tell the parents to look for kharis. pheeewww i am so glad kharis did not fall. thank you again, naomi!!!!
08 February 2012
mispronounced words
"What are some of the most delightful mispronounced words your child has used?"
- otong: gendong
- amus: semut
- apus: selimut
- bici: biskuit
- otong: gendong
- amus: semut
- apus: selimut
- bici: biskuit
06 February 2012
nay and her shoes
today i noticed she can put on her shoes by herself!!!! she is 25.5 months old ;) proud of my lil girl ;)
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