22 December 2010

words + actions

Words naomi can understand at 1 year old:
Mamam (eat)
Splash-splash (bath time)
Morris (the lion soft toy)
Purple (the robot soft toy)
Mickey Mouse (watch cartoon)

Actions we can ask her to do at 1 year old:
wave bye
"Where's daddy?" (Looking around)
"Where's your head?" (Touch her head)
"Kiss baby" (kiss mummy's tummy for baby inside)
"Gone" (open hands)

18 December 2010

happy 1st birthday

Today me and lucko and nay went for lunch as a family to celebrate her bday,we had vietnamese food.but the bday girl was asleep during lunch time.it's her latest timetable,nap at 1pm.after we finished lunch,we browsed for my bday gift,luc bought me a dress,I finally found the 'perfect' one.it's so hard to find one!

Not long after that,nay woke up so we gave her the vietnamese food.for a treat: frozen yogurt!

then we went to a toy shop to buy her present.we were gonna buy her a soft toy,something that she can hug.she loves hugging soft toy.we thought maybe a mickey mouse (she loves watching disney clubhouse) or maybe a big cuddly teddy bear.but then we changed our minds after we saw nay played with the price tag of a mickey mouse soft toy instead of the toy itself.and we couldn't find a cute teddy bear.plus we thought she already has many soft toys at home,not that we bought them,they are either gifts or hand-me-down from mum's (she collects soft toys).

I thought,let's buy her something educational,I've always wanted to buy her one of those rings toys,they ones you can stack up from big to small. And woalah,we found one,this one was a combo back,including a ball which you can fit different shapes in,and a cone stacker. Perfect!

On the way home, we bought her Hillsong DVD "Tell the world". I've been waiting to buy her this.it'll be a good influence for her.teaching her about praise and worship.something to add to her "watch list",other than disney clubhouse,elmo and baby einstein.

For dinner,the three of us plus mum,dad,ntan went for japanese.today naomi had a break from eating her "baby" food,she ate the same things as we adult ate,minus the chilli,hehehe...

Also today I managed to make a dvd compilation of naomi's first year,the video is 1 hour long,it's full of her journey from the seconds she was born to this month.she has grown so much and we're so amazed at God's goodness!

03 December 2010

schedule at 11 months

breakfast: around 9am or 10am, depending on what time she wakes up (she sleeps around 10-12 hours)
1 slice of sandwich/toast bread and 1 cheese slice
120ml formula milk (SGM2)

lunch: around 12pm or 1 pm
rice with salmon/chicken/beef/white fish and spinach/carrot/broccoli
(food are cooked by steaming/boiling, no sugar/salt. reheating by steaming, cause we don't have microwave)

bath time: around 2pm (before that: exercise: climb up stairs - for brain development)*
120ml formula milk (SGM2)
afternoon nap of around 1.5 hours

afternoon tea: around 4pm
120ml formula milk (SGM2)

dinner: around 7pm
rice with salmon/chicken/beef/white fish and spinach/carrot/broccoli
120ml formula milk (SGM2)

max time for bed: 10pm
bedtime routine: change to pajamas, brush teeth, read bible, pray. lights off!

*crawling up and down carpeted stairs is a safe activity that helps strengthen large muscles and increase coordination.