14 January 2010
Queen st
14 jan. Naomi is 4 weeks old. First time ventured the city since we moved in. went to buy subway, lunch at atrium and coffee time at elliot stable, nice. Bought qq rice, read some mags at borders, found this best tips: “don’t just take any advice people give you, what works for their kids might not work for you, follow what you think is best for yours” (or something like that, forgot the exact words). Went to visit jimmy & his wife, then to bank (by myself) and went back to apt by bus, Naomi was crying for about a minute (was a bit panicking, didn’t want her cry to disturb other passengers) and I managed to calm her down by taking to her, she’s such a great girl, easy : ) I think she was getting too hot, it was a hot day. Realized that the air is not good for her, people smoking & car pollution.
13 jan. this summer it’s free for Auckland residents to visit the Auckland museum, we went to few spots, as always, Naomi fell asleep on my pouch carrier : )
Church for the 1st time
10 jan. everyone was happy to see Naomi, few people noticed that she has gained weight : ) can’t believe she fell asleep from the moment we arrived (9am) until service finished (12 o’clock), even during loud music : ) we then went to have Korean as lunch, with friends. Next week Naomi will be dedicated to the Lord :)
New apartment
8 jan. last night was our first night in the new apartment, was great. And today we went down (walking on a windy day) the anzac ave to have ramen as dinner at tanpopo, yummy! Cecil was there with us, after that we looked around downtown, but shops were already closed. Naomi was asleep the whole time : )
Rash or baby pimples
started to appear on 5 jan. apparently it’s normal, I googled and asked the mums in church. Reason: hormones. They should disappear in few weeks time. I feel sorry for Naomi.
Out of the house for the 1st time
4 jan. leoni the midwife came and did heel prick (again, because the nurse who did it in birthcare forgot to put the time), and weighed naomi, she’s 3.8kg!!!! (up from 3.5kg) yeah… luc & I were so happy to hear that, because we weren’t sure if she’s getting enough milk just from the on-demand breastfeeding. When we went out from the house we made sure me and Naomi were covered from wind (everyone have been telling us that wind is not good for newborn n mum). we went to st lukes food court (I had sushi n seaweed. Apparently seaweed helps to produce more milk – for breastfeeding purposes hehe…). I needed to go to post office too. She was asleep the whole time, I used a front pack carrier (thanks to shinta). It was nice seeing so many people after almost 3 weeks not being in public. In the car I felt weird driving pass other cars, I was kinda afraid we might crashed. At night we went to airport to send intan off.
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