17 September 2012

2 years and 9 months

-2 days ago she started to drink without using straw, yay good girl! we bought her a Dora cup and told her that whenevershe drinks using this cup she is not allowed to use strawand that now she is old enough to be able to drink from the cup, she agreed and she loves it. - she loves to play pretend cooking and pretend eating - she loves to sing Twinkle twinkle little star. last week she was so brave to be the first kid who sng in sunday school (sns), she sang that song while holding a mic. i am so proud of her! my girl has grown so fast! - she still loves eating but finds it hard to chew when eating no to soft beef. - she does not like to eat green apple and banana. - she also loves to pretend to speak on the phone, and she can use any object as her phone. so cute - her best friend is bianca - she is okay to be left at sunday school (morning) if only there is bianca. - she can sit by herself on the back seat now.so i can sit beside lucko at the front. really enjoy that. - she is quite an expert at using ipad. i am still amazed. - her favourite cartoon is Doc McStuffin and Disney Clubhouse, also Pororo - she loves to watch Animal Planet, strangely she would ask to see the violent eating animals where there is blood etc. i am not sure if it is good for her. - she would say "ada crocodile" when i ask her to sleep on the corner of the bed.strange - she likes to play with her bike (inside the house) - she does not wear nappy anymore during the day at ome.she knows when she needs to go weewee, she would go to the toilet, hop on the seat using a stool, open her undies and weewee and take toilet paper and come down from the toilet seat and take the stool for wshing her hands with a soap and dry her hands. proud of you honey! - she still does not want to poo in the toilet, she would ask to wear nappy and then hide behind the door or curtain and do her action. i will wait until she is 3 years old. - her favourite song while toothbrushing is twinkle twinkle little star. - she still loves to play with lala the doll and hold her and pretend that she is sleeping. - she knows that she is not allowed to drink coffee so she will not ask for it when mommy or daddy is having one - she likes to say "iya bu" even to lucko too.lol! - she knows when i am looking for a parking spot (driving) so she will say "cari parkir" - few words that she still pronounce incorrectly: efenant (elephant), dibili (berdiri)