01 October 2010

things they said

Here what people (family,friends,strangers we met everywhere) said about naomi:
Cowo atau cewe? (Atau "cowo ya?")
Rambutnya mana?
Kupingnya kok ngga ditindik?
Kepalanya gede ya, bulet ya
Alisnya tebel
Matanya besar
Pipinya tembem
Idungnya mancung
Bibirnya sexy
Giginya banyak ya
Suaranya rendah,nge-bass
Ramah bgt,murah senyum,sama siapa aja mau
Gampang dibawa ke mana-mana
Cantik, cute

signs of pregnancy

I suddenly remember there were days while I was working and during lunch break I would get so sleepy I would go into my car and slept there, or drove to a street in ponsonby residential area or downtown wharf, parked and slept there. Ternyata itu toh salah satu signs of hamil...

daddy's instinct

Dulu sebelum lucko found out that I was pregnant,he said there was one day di mana dia tiba2 kangen bgt sama aku.(That's when I was working during the day and he was at home).