06 September 2010

thank u my pleasant child

Naomi,just like the meaning of ur name.u hav been a pleasant child.a joy to have. Thank u for bein so good walopun berjam-jam diajak nge-mall,diajak jalan2 ke luar kota atau luar negri.
And thanks for putting up with mummy yg sering males siapin makanan mu.mulai bsk I will be more diligent,mau masak labu pake ati ayam.sehat n bergizi ya,mummy knows u need more iron now.good for ur blood n brain.
Thank u sayang kamu sangat ramah most of the time to the strangers you met everywhere,murah senyum n tawa.mummy so blessed n proud to hav u.
Thank u for bein so dependant on me.those cute innocent eyes that stare at me when u cry everytime I left u alone in ur cot cos mummy needs to do something. It made me feel needed,a good feeling indeed.
When I look a ur pure face while u sleep,who am I to receive such a blessing like u?what an amazing gift ferom God.only Him can give such thing.
Thank u Jesus for keeping naomi healthy all these times,and for allowing her being breastfed,which help with her immune system n juga bergizi.

05 September 2010


First teeth was on the top,two.around 6 months old. Then the next two on the bottom,around 7 months old. Now, one more on the bottom (at 8.5months) is 1mm high. The new two on top are also showing,maybe in a few weeks will grow. I guess due to eating bananas which are rich in calcium :)